Lifestyle tips

Thinking i might tell my wife about interest in gaining

I always go back and forth with the idea of gaining, and I think some of it might have to do with the fact that I am not sure how my wife would react. She, and quite a few of my friends, know I like heavier women and my wife knows I really enjoyed it when she gained a ton of weight over the course of our relationship, but no one knows that I sometimes play around with wanting to intentionally get fat myself.

I'm worried about how that conversation might potentially go, especially more recently since she has had to lose a bit of weight herself due to negative health issues related to her gaining almost 180 lbs over the course of our relationship (she's down about 40-50 from her peak weight, but still 350ish lbs). I feel like it might come across as insensitive/uncaring if I tell her I want to intentionally pack on weight and become fat when her getting fatter ended up having negative health consequences.

I have thrown around the idea of maybe telling her that I want to experiment a bit and get a little bit chubby, maybe 200-250 lbs (I'm currently around 170) to see what it would feel like, because I've always been a bit curious about it. I definitely enjoy her curves and when she had packed on extra pounds and the idea of gaining weight myself has been something that I've gone back and forth on for a while, but I haven't gone all in on it because I value her thoughts on it and I wouldn't want to do it without my partner knowing about it. I'd also make it clear that if there starts to be negative health consequences with the gain, I'd stop.

I might also try to appeal to the fact that she sometimes wants to take a more dominant role in the bedroom and I could use that fact to get her in a position where she can take a more dominant role by feeding me and encouraging me to gain (appealing to things we both want to try). Curious to see what other people's thoughts are? I'm hoping to finally come to a decision and get it off my chest soon. (If I do and she's on board, maybe I could see how big I can get before my next Doctor's appointment in November lol?)
1 month

Thinking i might tell my wife about interest in gaining

I always go back and forth with the idea of gaining, and I think some of it might have to do with the fact that I am not sure how my wife would react. She, and quite a few of my friends, know I like heavier women and my wife knows I really enjoyed it when she gained a ton of weight over the course of our relationship, but no one knows that I sometimes play around with wanting to intentionally get fat myself.

I'm worried about how that conversation might potentially go, especially more recently since she has had to lose a bit of weight herself due to negative health issues related to her gaining almost 180 lbs over the course of our relationship (she's down about 40-50 from her peak weight, but still 350ish lbs). I feel like it might come across as insensitive/uncaring if I tell her I want to intentionally pack on weight and become fat when her getting fatter ended up having negative health consequences.

I have thrown around the idea of maybe telling her that I want to experiment a bit and get a little bit chubby, maybe 200-250 lbs (I'm currently around 170) to see what it would feel like, because I've always been a bit curious about it. I definitely enjoy hur curves and when she had packed on extra pounds and the idea of gaining weight myself has been something that I've gone back and forth on for a while, but I haven't gone all in on it because I value her thoughts on it and I wouldn't want to do it without my partner knowing about it. I'd also make it clear that if there starts to be negative health consequences with the gain, I'd stop.

I might also try to appeal to the fact that she sometimes wants to take a more dominant role in the bedroom and I could use that fact to get her in a position where she can take a more dominant role by feeding me and encouraging me to gain (appealing to things we both want to try). Curious to see what other people's thoughts are? I'm hoping to finally come to a decision and get it off my chest soon. (If I do and she's on board, maybe I could see how big I can get before my next Doctor's appointment in November lol?)

You are overthinking it. Just tell her.
1 month